Badges Ellingham Primary School
Back to school homepageFirst day complete
Nice work! You have completed your first day in this year's Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel challenge.
Bronze badge: 160 journeys
You have earned the Bronze badge by making at least 160 journeys!
Silver badge: 320 journeys
You have earned the Silver badge by making at least 320 journeys!
Gold badge: 640 journeys
Amazing! You have earned the Gold badge by making at least 640 journeys!
5 day streak
Nice! You have taken part in Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel for 5 days in a row!
10 day streak
Wow, you have logged journeys for 10 days in a row!
Better than the same day last week
Great! You made more journeys on at least one day this week than you did on the same day last week!
Invite another school
Earn this badge by inviting another school to join the fun in Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel.