Headline sponsor


Showing positions for latest overall results on day 10

Small primary schools

  • 187 Swalwell Primary School [ Score: 64.67% ] Home
  • 202 Roman Road Primary School [ Score: 63.57% ] Home
  • 298 The Drive Community Primary School [ Score: 56.61% ] Home
  • 354 St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Blaydon [ Score: 51.79% ] Home
  • 356 Falla Park Community Primary School [ Score: 51.64% ] Home
  • 547 Washingwell Primary School [ Score: 31.14% ] Home
  • Birtley East Community Primary School Home

Large primary schools

  • 456 Carr Hill Community Primary School [ Score: 54.53% ] Home
  • 836 Ravensworth Terrace Primary School [ Score: 19.22% ] Home


These figures are for days up to and including day 10.

  • Total journeys: 6919
  • walking/wheelchair: 6058
  • scooter: 511
  • cycle: 277
  • active journeys (other): 73